Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Sorcery Code (Review)

*Welcome to my stop of The Sorcery Code Blog Tour! You'll find my review of this magical novel below!*

*Hosted by: Xpresso Book Tours*

Release Date: December 16th, 2013
Genres: YA Fantasy

My Review: (4/5 stars*)

The Sorcery Code is an interesting amalgamation of fantasy and romance. It reminds me of a twisted version of Weird Science. If you're familiar with the movie than the Sorcery Code has a similar idea. Though they are totally separate works, its connection actually drew me in instead of turned me away. What I liked a lot about this novel is that the writing is beautifully descriptive, it unleashes complex information but elaborates on it in the most simple of terms. I think being able to keep up with everything that's going on is severely important in fantasy because you don't ever want to feel lost, and this story unraveled one step at a time.

 Blaise is a skilled sorcerer who has been cast from society after he leaves the Sorcery Council. He holds beliefs that everyone should be able to use magic even those without an aptitude for sorcery. In Koldun Sorcerers are all-powerful, wealthy, and privileged while anyone who isn't a wizard are less fortunate. Commoners are afforded none of the same prestige and most are poor. Blaise decides to rectify this problem by inventing a magical object that any individual can use, powers or not. Instead of an inanimate item he accidentally creates a woman—a beautiful, unclothed one at that. She's everything he could have hoped for and more but she's still his magical creation. Danger makes its way into the picture when other sorcerers learn of his abomination and they seek to destroy her.

The Sorcery Code is told through various perspectives, which could have easily been disasterous if it weren't for the smooth transition and the chapters titled with each POV. I really enjoyed reading from four different angles (though I normally prefer just one). You get Blaise & Gala, and Augusta and Barson. Each character is engaging when examined on their own. Gala is a genius but she's in some ways like an innocent child. From the very second she is brought into existence she is curious, bright, and bursting with life. She wants to experience everything being alive offers. It's at that moment Blaise realizes he might not be able to control this woman any more than anyone else could control him. I really liked Gala because she's so incredible and at times baffling to other characters. Blaise is excited for the unexpected way in which she enters his life but a little nervous about where their relationship is heading, and he's focused on reminding Gala of her purpose
—not that she wants to listen. The perceived villain of the story is Augusta, a powerful sorceress who doesn't want things to change. Being able to understand her side of things made her seem less like the bad guy and just clearly misunderstood. Augusta's lover, Barson, (which is what he's referred as often) is a military leader and is also seen on the wrong side of things.

There was a couple of things that bugged me. As skillfully composed as the story is it had a bunch of recycled information. It's easy to overlook but once you notice the pattern it becomes somewhat of an annoyance. The second was Blaise and Gala's narrative felt less exciting than Augusta and Barson's which I feel is backwards seeing as it should have been the other way around. Other than those things I loved what I read.

The Sorcery Code is a spellbinding fantasy novel with a marvelous concept. Sure it has the Weird Science (brilliant guy creates his ideal woman and magically makes her real) theme going on but it's carried out in new way. I thought the entire breakdown of science and math to form spells was excellent. The world is well-built, the characters are cool, and there is an ample amount of entertainment. Warning: the cliffhanger at the end will make you want the next book. Fantasy readers will love The Sorcery Code!


From the internationally bestselling authors who brought you the Krinar Chronicles comes a captivating tale of intrigue, love, and danger in a world where sorcery is entwined with science...

Once a respected member of the Sorcerer Council and now an outcast, Blaise has spent the last year of his life working on a special magical object. The goal is to allow anyone to do magic, not just the sorcerer elite. The outcome of his quest is unlike anything he could’ve ever imagined – because, instead of an object, he creates Her.

She is Gala, and she is anything but inanimate. Born in the Spell Realm, she is beautiful and highly intelligent – and nobody knows what she’s capable of. She will do anything to experience the world . . . even leave the man she is beginning to fall for.

Augusta, a powerful sorceress and Blaise’s former fiancée, sees Blaise’s deed as the ultimate hubris and Gala as an abomination that must be destroyed. In her quest to save the human race, Augusta will forge new alliances, becoming tangled in a web of intrigue that stretches further than any of them suspect. She may even have to turn to her new lover Barson, a ruthless warrior who might have an agenda of his own . . .



~Author Bio~ 
Dima Zales

Dima Zales is a full-time science fiction and fantasy author residing in Palm Coast, Florida. Prior to becoming a writer, he worked in the software development industry in New York as both a programmer and an executive. From high-frequency trading software for big banks to mobile apps for popular magazines, Dima has done it all. In 2013, he left the software industry in order to concentrate on his writing career.
Dima holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from NYU and a dual undergraduate degree in Computer Science / Psychology from Brooklyn College. He also has a number of hobbies and interests, the most unusual of which might be professional-level mentalism. He simulates mind-reading on stage and close-up, and has done shows for corporations, wealthy individuals, and friends. To read more, click here!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful review, Seirra! I usually really enjoy multiple perspectives when the voices are distinguishable. I find you can really get to know each character personally. This sounds like a fun book I'm glad you liked it!


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